2023 AACBS Annual Scientific & General Meeting will be held on 12 November 2023 at Club Central Hurstville. 

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The Australian Association of Chinese Biomedical Scientists (AACBS) is a charitable, non-profit organisation, which is dedicated to advancing the contribution of Chinese-Australian scientists within Australia's biomedical landscape.  We are the voice for 295 members, encompassing >40 principal investigators, affiliated with all leading medical research institutes, universities and hospitals in NSW and beyond. Our membership boasts nationally renowned research leaders and rising stars across diverse biomedical research disciplines.


Embracing the principles of diversity, inclusiveness and gender equity, our vision is to forge a cohesive network for Chinese-Australian scientists in Australia. We are committed to fostering the career growth of early-to-mid career researchers and HDR students in biomedical research, mentoring them towards successful career trajectories. Our mission extends to disseminating and advocating medical knoledge and health information to the broader public, particularly communicating health and science matters pertinent to Australian local community. Furthermore, we also passionate about translating our research discoveries from bench to bedside to improve the quality of life for patients in Australia as well as in the world. 


We welcome all scientists and students from any cultural backgrounds to join us.


For more information and for membership enquiries, please contact our President Dr Jacob Qi ( and Public Officer Dr Kevin Ni (




澳洲华人生物医学科学家协会建于2008年, 是以澳大利亚悉尼为基地的、独立的专业性学术团体。设有专家委员会、科研协作中心、人才交流基地、专家论坛及学术俱乐部。学会的中坚力量来自于四十多个以华人学者为领导的生物医学单位和研究小组, 这些小组主要分布于悉民大学,新南威尔士大学, 麦考瑞大学,悉尼科技大学,西悉尼大学,纽卡斯尔大学,卧龙岗大学和查尔斯斯图亚特大学。目前学会有近二百九十五名成员。








协会现由悉尼大学世纪研究院齐延飞担任会长, 学会致力与各界人士和各领域科学研究学者加强联系,开展多种活动, 欢迎更多的生物医学科学专业研究人员了解和参加AACBS。如想了解更多的学会信息, 请联系齐延飞会长( 微信号 jacob0387)或 倪杰公共事务总监 (。


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